What We Treat at Active Life Chiropractic of Yakima
At Active Life Chiropractic we market ourselves as sports injury specialists, but our doctors have the knowledge, ability, and experience to provide quality care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions or situations. Additionally, we strive to provide excellent care to athletes and non-athletes of all ages and activity levels. So whether you are a high school athlete or a 75 year old grandparent (also a very active role!) know that we can handle your chiropractic needs.
As chiropractors it is assumed that we utilize manipulation for every condition we treat. However, this is just not true. Infact, with some injuries, it is best to utilize other techniques such as soft tissue manipulation, taping, stretching, massage or therapeutic exercise (For more information therapies provided see the Services Provided page)
Regardless of how we treat your injury it is vitally important to us that you return to your previous level of activity if at all possible. If we evaluate your injury and determine that it is something more serious than we can treat alone we will refer you to another qualified physician who can work with us in managing your care.
If you have any questions please feel free to call or stop by the office.
Sports injuries
Low Back pain/injuries
Neck pain/injuries
Shoulder, elbow or wrist pain/injuries
Hip, knee or ankle pain/injuries
Motor vehicle injuries
Work related injuries
Exercise advice
Weight loss advice
Nutritional advice
Pregnancy related discomfort​
Pediatric conditions

Sports Injuries
Doctor Kristina and Doctor Nathan Coppock have both the education and the experience to help you with any of the above types of sports injuries. Their involvement in treating competitive athletes while working toward their Masters degree in exercise and sports science, in combination with their Doctor of Chiropractic degree has provided countless hours of hands on experience with all types of athletes and injuries.
Work & Auto Injuries
Our goal for work and auto accident injuries is to help the patient maintain as much of their daily activities as possible during care and to get the patient out of pain and back to pre-injury status as soon as they can. Additionally, the doctors at Active Life Chiropractic firmly believe that a high level of patient awareness and participation in care is key to a fast and complete recovery.